


This report was prepared based on data from the 2024 IEA World Energy Balances and Renewables Information, combined with data and information rovided by the IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee and Task members. Reference is also made to FAOstat data as well as data from national statistics. All individual country reports were reviewed by the national delegates to the IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee, who have approved the content. General background on the approach and definitions can be found in the central introductory report for all country reports.


Edited by: Luc Pelkmans, Technical Coordinator IEA Bioenergy

编辑:Luc Pelkman,国际能源署生物能源技术协调员
Dou Kejun, Zhang Dayong (Biomass Energy Industry Promotion Association, CIDPA)
Lv Wenbin, Ren Dongming (Energy Research Institute, NDRC)
Li Fuli, Ma Xiaoqing (Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, CAS)
Chen guanyi, Wu Wenzhu (Tianjin University of Commerce)








• Renewables make up 10% of total energy supply in China in 2022. The renewable energy share in final energy consumption is 16%, of which around a quarter is from biomass. 

2022 年,可再生能源占中国能源供应总量的10%。可再生能源在终端能源消费中的占比为16%,其中约四分之一来自生物质能。

• Growth in renewable energy is mainly in electricity through hydropower, solar energy and wind power. The traditional use of biomass for residential heating is going down (and mostly replaced by oil and gas). Modern use of biomass for power and/or heat production is growing. 


• China has important opportunities to further deploy bioenergy, particularly through the replacement of coal by solid biomass in existing assets, the increase of transport biofuels (which are still less than 1.5% of transport fuels) as well as biogas to replace natural gas. There are ample opportunities for (renewable) energy from MSW as part of the development of wastemanagement systems. 

中国在进一步发展生物能源方面存在重大机遇,特别是通过在现有资产中用固体生物质替代煤炭、增加交通生物燃料的使用(目前交通生物燃料在交通燃料中的占比仍低于 1.5%)以及使用沼气替代天然气。作为废物管理系统发展的一部分,城市固体废弃物(MSW)产生的(可再生)能源有很多机会。

• China has considerable potential of biomass resources. Under the strategy of "carbon peak and carbon neutral", bioenergy should be actively exploited, and departments at all levels should form a consensus on priority utilization of bioenergy, to play a positive role in achieving the goal of addressing climate change.


• Bioenergy enriches the alternative scenario of non-electric clean energy, fully reflects the new concept of circular economy of green and sustainable evelopment, and plays a special role in aclean and stable new energy system that takes into account the harmonious development of rural and urban areas in China.





创建时间:2025-01-16 09:19
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